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Pictures are from Summer 2018


Brent Kimble - Instructor


The purpose of this Psychology course was to introduce students to the systematic and scientific study of the behavior and mental process of students and other animals. Students were exposed to psychological facts, principles, and phenomena associated with some of the major fields of Psychology.


Lessons & Activities Included:

  • Why Psychology

    • Who am I? Who are You? 

    • Where can Psychology take You?


    • ​Neuron and Electrochemical Neurotransmission

    • Brain Diagrams

    • Play-Doh Brains

  • Sensation/ Perception 

    • ​5 Basic Senses: How, What, When, Where, Why?

    • Optical Illusions: Seeing is Believing 

    • Perceptions: It's What We Make of it!

    • Perception Olympics

  • Learning: A Little More than ABC/123

    • Pavlov's Dogs or Kimble's Whistle

    • Operant Conditioning: Reward vs. Punishment 

  • Social Psychology: Why do we do what we do?

    • Are you in Love?

    • A Class Divided

    • Prison Guard vs. Prisoner: According to Zimbardo 


Medical Science

Piedad Goulet - Instructor


This class was a hands-on medical science class for those considering a career in medicine or anyone interested in biological sciences.


Lessons and Activities Included:

  • Microscopy - collect and examine skin cells & extract DNA from saliva samples.

  • Nutrition - categorize foods based on taste sensation, rate foods' healthfulness, build functioning digestive system model.

  • First aid - learn to identify and treat common injuries, perform basic first aid & practice suturing.

  • Drug & Alcohol Abuse - categorize drugs & their effects on the body, learn theories of addiction.

  • Immunology - culture bacteria & examine the spread of pathogens using simulated bacteria, explore the effectiveness of vaccines & biomedical ethics.

  • Cardiovascular - heart dissection, examine blood flow, simulated blood typing & draw blood and start an IV on an artificial arm

  • Brain, Eye & Nervous system - Eye dissection, brain dissection, learn function of senses, pain releif techniques.

  • Mental health awareness - assess vital signs, stress levels and risk factors for anxiety and depression, explore healthy coping mechanisms, learn how to help someone with signs of acute mental distress.

  • Pregnancy & birth - birth videos, fetal pig dissection, urinalysis with simulated urine.


Phyl Charnes - Instructor


This course introduced students to all onstage and backstage aspects of Theatre.  Students acted, directed, and produced several short skits.  Artistic creativity and interest were heightened through projects, theory, and theatre games. 


  • Lessons and Activities Included:

    • Acting, Play Selection, Improvisation​

    • Directing, Rehearsal Schedule

    • Make-up and Props

    • Posters, Playbill, Set Design

    • Costumes, Lighting, Performance


The Theatre class's final performance was showcased during the UB Talent Show on Tuesday, July 9th.

Spanish Language & Culture

Jessica Berkey - Instructor


This course focused on building Spanish vocabulary and being able to communicate in the target language through conversation.  Students also explored various aspects of the Spanish speaking world culture.


  • Lessons and Activities Included:

Introductions & Descriptions

Basic Grammar

Dia de los Muertos

All About Me

Papel Picado

Sugar Skulls

Salsa Dancing


Fitness & Nutrition

Kris Bonnell - Instructor


The goal of this course was to train students to recognize healthy food choices and their benefits, as well as the benefits of regular physical activity. 


​Lessons & Activities Include: 

  • Learning to read nutrition labels

  • Cardio workout activities

  • Body weight exercises

  • Core exercises

  • Flexibility

  • Four-Square

  • Tennis

  • Disc Golf

  • Dodgeball

  • Running

  • Basketball

Visual Arts

​Piedad Goulet - Instructor


This course was designed to teach students a basic understanding of art.  Students will learn about elements of art, including color as a symbol for emotion, landscapes and impressionism, scale, surrealism & symbols, sculpture, and illustrating a theme, along with styles of art and famous artists.


​Lessons & Activities Include: 

  • Picasso-style faces illustrating emotion

  • Suminagashi printed landscapes

  • Pointillism paintings

  • Large oil painting

  • Surreal self-portrait

  • Paper mache clay sculpture

  • Plaster masks

  • Cyanotype photography

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