The six-week residential summer program is designed to give students the opportunity to experience life as a college student. Students live in the residence halls on the campus of Salem University during the week, and go home on weekends. They attend academic classes during the day, and evenings are filled with guest speakers, fun activities, and field trips.
Core Classes
Students spend their mornings taking classes to boost their academic skills in the core subject areas, including Math, Science, English Spanish & History. Students also take a "Careers" class in which they learn about all things college and career related, and Seniors apply to colleges.
Evening Activities
Students' evenings are packed full with guest speakers, fun activities and field trips. They also spend some of their time meeting in small groups and doing additional educational enrichment activities.
Enrichment Classes
During their first summer with us, students can choose from a variety of enrichment classes in order to explore different areas of interest. These vary from year to year, but often include Art, Music, Psychology, Fitness and Healthcare.
Educational/Cultural Trip
Each summer, during the last week of our session, we take the students on a three-day trip to places like Washington DC and Pittsburgh, PA for a variety of educational and cultural experiences.
Job Shadowing
During their second summer, Seniors are placed with local businesses for paid job shadowing. We have placed students with the local veterinarian and humane society, physical therapy office, nursing home, information technology department, and more. At these placements, students get to explore first-hand careers that interest them.
Summer Staff
We hire a special summer staff consisting of college students from around the state to help supervise and mentor our students and facilitate the program.