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Training our Brains at the February Saturday Session

Students gathered in the Carlson Hall of Science on Saturday, February 16th for our monthly Saturday Session. This month we were excited to host two fantastic guest presenters who would lead enlightening and engaging workshops for our students.

We began by welcoming Dr. Judy Cameron, Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh and Director of Pitt Science Outreach and Working for Kids: Building Skills. She taught students all about their brains and the development of neurological pathways. Students learned how they could be deliberate about creating and strengthening custom neurological pathways to build skills. They were led in exercises designed to build strong decision-making pathways by practicing different decision-making models. Dr. Cameron and her student assistant traveled from Pittsburgh and offered this workshop FREE of charge, and we are thrilled to be able to assist her in the development of this program.

Our second speaker was Christopher Korycki from Iris Reading who offered a "Speed Reading 101" workshop. Students learned about the science of learning to read, and discovered ways to develop and strengthen neurological pathways involved in reading. They learned and practiced specific strategies to increase their reading speed and enhance their comprehension - a skill that will be valuable throughout their lifetime.

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